Saturday, May 30, 2009

Keep Your Marriage Going

Using the words "I love you" is not just when you are feeling pleased with your husband or when he has shown that he is the man in the house. You can say those words when you know he has hurt you, you can say them when he is downcast or when he has lost a deal. It shows that you actually love not only when the going is good but when it is tough. You are boosting his morale as well. Hearing those words from you at that time to you might not be appropriate, but to him, you just swelled up his ego!

Husbands, these words mean a lot to your wife. Whether she is a full time housewife or a working mum, saying them means to her that you love her really and that you appreciate what she is doing at the home front. You can take it a step further by doing something for her at home, no matter how little and see what will happen. She will definitely warm up to you.

Celebrate birthdays
You don't have to take her out to an expensive restaurant or totally cut down on your budget to celebrate your wife's birthday this year, if your budget does not allow for it. You can order a cake, or cook her favourite dish if you good at it or pay someone to cook it for you. You can arrange to have a surprise household birthday party. Actually, there are lots of things that you can do to celebrate your spouse's birthday without breaking your back.

One wife actually wrote that from a year before her husband's birthday, she bought a special notebook and filled in everyday while she loves her husband. She admitted that there were some days she could not write anything because he wasn't always a saint. Imagine the joy in her husband's face when she handed that notebook to him a year after!
He kept that book with him till he died. Before he died, he made his wife realize how much he loved her everyday based on what she wrote.

Let nothing take the place of sex!
What are you about to do? Ruining your marriage and thinking that sex is not important because you busy with the kids or because you are busy at work? Men will hardly sat that anyway because they know just were to get it. If you think you can starve your husband of sex and think we will still be faithful to you in the next 2 years without threatening to get separated, sister, think again.

I know that marriage is about companionship but I guess there were sparks flying when you met your husband, there was this chemical attraction. That is the chemistry. Five years after and your husband doesn't feel it? I ask again, what are you about to do?

Imagine when your children leave the nest 18 years after, you and your husbands have being living like strangers in those eighteen years. Is he the one you wqnt to turn to now?

I know it is not easy being a sexy wife, mother and a professional but that is why God gave us the strength that the man does not have and that tongue to sweet-talk your husband in when you want to and when you don't.

I know from what I have seen and read, most marriages fail because of infidelity and it is usually the wife's fault.

You see, the words "I love you" might not just be enough. Your spouse needs to see and feel that love radiating from you. He/she has to know that no matter what you do, you would never hurt them intentionally.

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your husband/wife begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will stop your divorce instantly even if it seems utterly hopeless. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out

Click Here!

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